Tuesday, 30 April 2013

New cool links, and a funny photo

I've got tonnes of stuff in this post, first though is few cool links.
First up is Bunnyhero Labs. It is a great website where you can get virtual pets for your websites, the steps are, first you choose an animal to adopt (either a Fish, Llama, Duck, Pig, Bunny, Spider, Penguin, Wolf, Tiger, Hedgehog, Hamster, Kitten, Monkey, Turtle, Panda, Puppy, Bat, Horse, Bebo Puppy (bebo only), Chick, Sheep, Ferret, Guinea Pig, Lion cub, Fox or a Sloth.) And the second step, is once you've chosen your animal, you can choose the colour of it and name it and say who adopted it. Then click finish and the last step is you have to choose the website. After you've done that, very soon you'll have your very own virtual pet!
Here's mine <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://c.gigcount.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEzNjczNTM*ODExNjImcHQ9MTM2NzM1MzU3OTIyMSZwPTU1NzEmZD*mZz*yJm89Njk4ZTY5ZGU5YmRjNGQyMGE3MTAw/MjdlZmNlYjZjZDM=.gif" /><BUNNYHERO PET START />
<div style="width: 250px; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: center">
<embed src="http://petswf.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/swf/tiger" width="250" height="300" quality="high" bgcolor="ffffff" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="cn=blue&an=sorcha&clr=0x378fff" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
</embed><br />
<small><a href="http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/">adopt your own virtual pet!</a></small>

So the next link is Llama Font: It is so cool, because you can make text with llamas being the letters! this is mine: http://llamafont.com/llamafied/dwv

The next link is to a game on cbbc. Game Builder, It is similar to sploder, but it is quite different. I've made tonnes of games. But you have to have a bbc account to make one, but its great! Here is a link to my fave game that i made. Amazing Mystery Land

The last link is Simon's Cat if you haven't heard of it, you HAVE to have a look. It is amazing! It's about a man who has a cat and a kitten, and they do funny things. CLICK IT!!!!!!

Now for a cool photo
Funny, isn't it?